Dutch courses
Courses suitable for students starting as absolute beginner (level A0).
Courses suitable for students with basic knowledge of the language (level A1-A2) and intermediate level.
Courses to prepare for the ‘Inburgeringsexamen’. This course requires basic knowledge of the Dutch language.

We provide tailor made courses and conversation courses.

New classes helps you to achieve this, see below.
There is no need to travel up and down. All classes are online. We have group lessons, in company training and private classes.
To be able to join the A1, A2, B1 classes there is a manditory (free of charge) intake required.
If you are interested please schedule a date and time with the teacher to talk about the possibilities and how we can help you.
If you want to know more you can contact us or look for experiences from students on google.maps and find the place Bolong Holland.

The integration exam and governmernt requirements are periodically subject to changes.
Check details about government requirements, Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs 
or Naturalisatie- en Immigratiedienst (English) Naturalisatie- en Immigratiedienst (Nederlands).

Any other questions please feel fry to inform via email Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or whatsapp 0624261166.

Looking forward to meet you !

Classes (group lessons)





Number of weeks
Number of classes
Scheduled starting Date/time
Beginners  A0 A1

7 weeks,

twice a week

May the 28th

Tuesday 18.30-20.00 + Saturday 10.00-11.30

Basisinburgering (embassy exam)

A0 A1 * * *
Inburgering exam training  A1-A2 A2 exam

7 weeks,

twice a week

July the 16th

 Tuesday  18.30-20.30

Saturday 10.00-12.00

Intermediate I A2 B1

14 weeks,

once a week



Intermediate state examtraining
B1 B1 exam * * full
Advanced state exam training
B1 B2 exam * * *

*Inform via email or telephone.
All our teachers are NT2 certified and have many years of experience.

Overhoeksparklaan 40, 1031 KC Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Tel. 020-7850206, Gsm/whatsapp 06 24 26 1166, email : Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Disclaimer: Classes will only commence when sufficient applicants has been enrolled. Date and time are subject to changes. Please inform via email or Whatsapp.

For detailed information and other questions please feel free to inform by email or phone.

The groups
All courses (Beginners, Examtraining) requires time to join the lessons at least twice a week. Lessons are also on Saturdays and during the weekdays also in the evenings.
Tailor-made courses and incompany training are possible options please contact us.

Books and studiematerials
For all levels ranging from A1 to B1, exercise book and textbook are needed.
During the course additional study materials will be provided.
All study materials and books are subject to changes.

The procedure
1. The course leader and the student will have a mandatory intake conversation which will take approximately
      20 minutes;
2. The student fills in a complete application form;
3. The teacher or course leader will process all preferences, form the final groups and will also decide whether an intensive group will be formed;
4. The student pays the fee for joining the course at least one weeks before the starting date of the course.
During the intake applicant can share his/her preferences with the course leader.

More information? Please contact us by whatsapp/phone 0624261166 or send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.